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Carillon Actueel
- 'Jennifer Lopez kan...
- Cd-recensie: Jamie...
- Ilse DeLange geveld...
- Leden Showtek...
- Typhoon speelt op...
- Gouden plaat Johnny...
- Chance the Rapper...
- Discoalbum The Ting...
- Kate Bush vond...
- Platina plaat voor...
- apemutam
- Berkeley
- carillons in Connecti...
- Guild of Carillonneur...
- Het Orgel-magazine
- Nationaal Beiaardmuse...
- Nederlandse Carillon ...
- Trinity College Hartf...
- World Carillon Federa...
- World Carillon Web Si...
- Blagovest Russian Chu...
- David Potter
- Eijsbouts
- Hayward Mills
- Hisey Bells
- John Taylor and Co
- Malmark
- Matthew Higby Bell
- McShane Bell Foundry
- Meadwell Church Resto...
- Olsen Nauen
- Petit and Fritsen
- Rüetschi AG Gloc...
- Soundweld
- The Keltek Trust
- The Whitechapel Bell ...
- Whites of Appleton
- Basilica of Saint-Ser...
- Erasmus University
- Ghent, Belgium
- Loughborough, UK
- Mechelin, Belgium
- Newcastle upon Tyne, ...
- Sct. Mortens Kirke
- The Belfry of Brugge
- The Belfry of Douai
- University of Sydney ...
- University of Twente
- Utrechtse Klokkenspel...
- War Memorial Carillon
- bell ringing in Wales
- Bellringers at Gronin...
- Bellringers in Valenc...
- Calgary, Alberta
- Change Ringing Resour...
- Church Bell Ringers
- Dalry Ayshire
- Encyclopedia of the C...
- Exeter
- Felstead Peal Records
- Geldrop (The Netherla...
- Guild of Bellringers ...
- Llandaff and Monmouth
- Mount torrens Handbel...
- Nürnberg, St.-Lo...
- Roeselare bell ringer...
- Sewanee, University o...
- The Ringing World
- Utrechts Klokkenluide...
- Washington Ringing So...
- World Peace Bell
- Zogge
- Abel Interfaces
- Abel Sensor Construct...
- Abel Simulator for Wi...
- Bellring Applet
- Bells Applet
- Beltower
- Beltower
- Blue Line Generator
- Blue Line Printer
- Blue Line Psion Softw...
- Communications Techno...
- Data Protection Princ...
- Elf
- Excalibur
- Implications of the 1...
- Learn The Line
- MacSiRiL
- Method Database
- Method Master
- Method Writer
- Notification Exemptio...
- Palm Blue Line
- Palm Pilot Programs
- Peal Prover
- Practice Software
- Record Keeper
- Ringing Class Library
- Ringing Master
- Ringleader
- Ringleader Simulator
- Running simulators un...
- Sally
- Software Catalogue
- Software Firsts
- Spam Protection
- The 1998 Act
- The Registrar Speaks
- TowerBase
- Various Programs
- WinDove
- Armagh (Northern Ierl...
- Bournville
- London
- Loughborough 1
- Loughborough 2
- Loughborough 3
- Loughborough, War Mem...
- Parkgate
- Cancelled Practices
- Diary of Ringing Even...
- Ringing Courses
- The Essex Trophy
- The National Twelve B...
- The Ringing Roadshow ...
- The Tewkesbury Shield
- The Worthington Troph...
- Bell Historians
- Hymns for Ringers
- Income Tax for UK Rin...
- Metric-Imperial Weigh...
- Obituaries Index
- The Lincoln Letters
- Bellfoundry Museum Lo...
- Bellfoundry Museum Lo...
- Carillons Touristique...
- Chronos
- Dansk Klokkemuseum
- Fonderie de cloches d...
- Glockenmuseum Apolda ...
- Glockenmuseum Apolda ...
- Glockenmuseum Herrenb...
- Glockenmuseum Innsbru...
- Hasselt Beiaardmuseum
- Klokkengieterijmuseum...
- Liberty Bell (Virtual...
- Musée de la cl...
- Westfälisches Gl...
- American Guild of Eng...
- Bellringing Picture G...
- English change ringin...
- Hayes Hall
- Nederlandse Klokkensp...
- Netherlands National ...
- North American Guild ...
- Ringing World Web Ser...
- Royal Carillon School
- A Glossary
- Barrow-upon-Humber
- Basic Conducting
- Bellringing
- Braida Ringing School
- Docklands
- Essex
- Gordon Halls Ringing ...
- Guildford
- Handlist of articles
- Hereford
- Keele
- Moulton
- Network for Ringing T...
- Notes on Ringing
- Practice Bell
- Publication List
- Ringing Bibliography
- Ringing Books
- Ringing Centre Direct...
- Ringing One Bell
- Ringing Tutor
- Rounds on Five
- Sherbourne Teaching A...
- Tailend Books
- The Education Committ...
- Three-Bell Ringing
- Training and Help
- Troyte
- Wantage
- Whirlow Grange
Automatic Carillons
- Aalst Belfort en Stad...
- Antwerpen Kathedraalb...
- Beiaard vereniging va...
- Beiaarden in Belgi&eu...
- Beiaarden.BE
- Belfort en halle te T...
- Belfort KORTRIJK
- Belfort van Gent
- Brugge halletoren 1
- Brugge halletoren 2
- City Hall Minneapolis
- College Station
- Fort Smith, Arkansas
- Gemeentehuis van Herz...
- Grimbergen beiaard
- Haaltert Beiaard webs...
- Ieper Belfort
- Kerk van Sint-Pieters...
- Lommel Petersbandenke...
- Mechelen Beiaard
- Mesen
- Muziek online
- Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-van ...
- Pijnacker
- Ronse
- Sint-Bartholomeuskerk
- Sint-Germanuskerk
- Sint-Katarinakerk
- Sint-Michielskerk
- Sint-Sulpitius en Dio...
- Sint-Sulpitius en Dio...
- Stadhuis - Het Groene...
- Stadhuis DIKSMUIDE
- Stadhuis van Damme
- Stadhuis VERVIERS
- Staf Nees
- Twee torens te Kortri...
- University of Nebrask...
- Urbana, Illinois
- Vlaamse Beiaard Veren...
- Washington DC
- Blagovest Bells
- Canonico
- Care Technics
- Clock-O-Matic
- Daelmans Helmond
- Eayre & Smith
- Elderhorst
- Gillett & Johnston
- Hayward Mills
- Het Molenpad Expertis...
- Matthew Higby Church ...
- Nicholson Bellhangers
- Schulmerich
- Van Bergen
- Verdin
- Bas de Vroome
- Bernard Winsemius
- Boudewijn Zwart 1
- Boudewijn Zwart 2
- David Kellner
- Four Fists
- Frank Deleu
- Frits Reynaert
- Gert Oldenbeuving
- Gideon Bodden
- Hans Uwe Hielscher
- Henk G. van Putten
- Henry Groen
- Jaap Zwart Jr.
- Jacob Vincent
- Jean-Pierre Hautekiet
- Jef Denijn
- Jill Forrest
- John Courter
- John Gouwens
- Joost van Balkom
- Luc Rombouts
- Ludo Geloen
- Marcel Siebers
- Margo Halsted
- Marianna Marras
- Mathieu Daniël P...
- Olaf Sandkuhl
- Pieter Maassen
- Ray McLellan
- Rene Vanstreels
- Robert Lannoy
- Robin Austin
- Ronald Barnes
- Rosemarie Seuntië...
- Steven Ball
- Thomas Jörg Fran...
- Thomas J. Frank
- Van Balkom
- Vegar Sandholt
- Alan Reading
- Ander Holroyd
- Ander Holroyd
- Birmingham University...
- Brian Whiting
- Cambridge Surprise Ma...
- Cambridge Surprise Ma...
- Chris Poole
- Collection of Handbel...
- Composition Database
- David Hull
- Don Morrison
- Ely Association
- Graham Drabble
- Graham Hayward
- Graham John
- Grandsire Doubles
- John Goldthorpe
- John Ketteringham
- John Warboys
- Minimus Extents
- Online Peal Collectio...
- Palindromic Peals
- Paul Mason
- Peal Compositions Com...
- Peals in Parts
- Peter Border
- Phil Burton
- Quarter Peal Composit...
- Richard Allton
- Richard Angrave
- Richard Grimmett
- Ringing World Composi...
- Robert Brown
- Robert Lee
- Robin Hall
- Roddy Horton
- Spliced Surprise Comp...
- Stedman Pricker
- Stedman Triples Compo...
- Stephen Penney
- Touches
- Touches of Triples an...
- Universal Major Compo...
- Variation and Transpo...
- Winchester and Portsm...
- Baziège
- Buglose
- Castres
- Douai
- Douai, Beffroi 1
- Douai, Beffroi 2
- Lyon, Hôtel de ...
- Saint Amand-les-Eaux ...
- Saint Amand-les-Eaux ...
- Saint Amand-les-Eaux ...
- Taninges
- Toulouse
- 1 and 2 Bell
- Ancient Society of Co...
- Anglo Catholic Ringer...
- ANZAB Ringers
- Bath and Wells
- Bell Restoration
- Change Ringers
- Chester Guild
- Cotswold Ringers
- Derbyshire Ringers
- Essex Ringers
- Friends of Dorothy
- Kent County Associati...
- Lincoln Guild
- Llandaff and Monmouth...
- Middlesex Association
- More Merseyside Ringe...
- National 3 and 4 Bell...
- New Zealand Ringers
- Newsletter Editors
- North American Guild
- Nottingham University
- Original Merseyside R...
- Oxford Guild
- Post and Telecom Ring...
- Ringing Centres Netwo...
- Ringing Chat
- Ringing Software
- Ringing Theory
- Southampton Universit...
- Tower Collectors
- Truro Guild
- Western Australian Ri...
- Wirral Ringers
- Yorkshire Ringers
- Young Ringers
- Association Campanair...
- Beiaardschool Jef Den...
- Change Ringers
- Deutsche Glockenspiel...
- Dutch Carillon Societ...
- Eurocarillon
- Nordic Bell Friends
- Stichting Torenmuziek
- Swiss Carillonneurs G...
- Vlaamse Beiaard Veren...
- 12 Watling Street
- Bellflower Mini-rings
- Light Ring Directory
- Mindinho-le-Tower
- Mobile Chime
- Pig-le-Tower
- Piltdown House Campan...
- Societies and Associa...
- The Ambergate Campani...
- The Armitage Campanil...
- The Bells of Leigh En...
- The Billington Campan...
- The Chilcompton Campa...
- The Clockmill Campani...
- The Coleridge Campani...
- The Fire Ring
- The Flat Bells
- The Foundry Workshop
- The Hartley Twelve
- The Jack & Jill House...
- The Lichfield Diocesa...
- The Longhope Campanil...
- The Millcroft Campani...
- The Narnia Campanile
- The Red Light Ring
- The Shed
- The Willoughby Campan...
- The Workshop Campanil...
- Tower Home Pages
BeiaardscholenBell RestorationBellfoundries
- Bachert, Glockengiess...
- Bellfoundries in Euro...
- Bellfoundry on Wheels
- Campanas Quintana
- Colbachini, Fomderia
- Cornille-Havard (Norm...
- Dominique Bollé...
- Eifeler Glockengie&sz...
- Grassmayr
- Lachenmeyer
- Manousek, Svonarstvi
- Meeks, Watson & Compa...
- Paccard
- Petit & Fritsen
- Reiderland, Klokken
- Rincker
- Rudolf Perner Bellfou...
- Tsitouras brothers
- Whitechapel Bellfound...
- Administration Buildi...
- Bok Tower Gardens
- California at Santa B...
- Carillon Historical P...
- Carroll Chimes
- Concordia Seminary, S...
- Cook Carillon Tower
- Davis Library
- Davis Memorial Carill...
- Emory Memorial
- First Presbyterian Ch...
- Frederick, MD
- Furman University Bel...
- Hopeman Memorial Cari...
- Luray Singing Tower
- Memorial Tower
- Mercersburg Academy
- Netherlands Carillon,...
- Norwood, MA
- Performing Arts Cente...
- Riverside Church, New...
- Sewanee, TN
- Springfield, IL
- Stanford University, ...
- Stanton Memorial Cari...
- The Centralia Carillo...
- The Millennium Carill...
- The Netherlands Caril...
- University of Montana...
- University of Wiscons...
- Washington Memorial C...
- Wilmington College, O...
- Wynne Chapel, Austin ...
- Aalst
- Brugge
- Deinze
- Genk
- Gent 1
- Gent 2
- Gent 3
- Grimbergen
- Harelbeke
- Ieper Belfort Lakenha...
- Izegem 1
- Izegem 2
- Leuven
- Leuven - Catholic Uni...
- Leuven - Catholic Uni...
- Leuven - Catholic Uni...
- Menen
- Mol
- Mons
- Nieuwpoort
- Scherpenheuvel
- Tournai 1
- Tournai 2
- Veurne
- Zottegem
- Alkmaar
- Almere Haven
- Amsterdam - Munttoren
- Amsterdam - Munttoren...
- Amsterdam - Oude Kerk
- Amsterdam - Oude Kerk...
- Amsterdam - Royal Pal...
- Amsterdam - Royal Pal...
- Amsterdam - Royal Pal...
- Amsterdam - Royal Pal...
- Amsterdam - tourist
- Amsterdam - Vrije Uni...
- Amsterdam - Westertor...
- Amsterdam - Westertor...
- Amsterdam - Zuidertor...
- Amsterdam - Zuidertor...
- Amsterdam - Zuidertor...
- Apeldoorn
- Barneveld
- Beiaardkring Kampen
- Bergambacht
- Breda
- Breda Great Church-to...
- Brielle
- Cuijk, Town Hall
- Culemborg 1
- Culemborg 2
- Den Helder
- Dordrecht
- Dordrecht Grote Kerks...
- Dronten
- Edam
- Ede 1
- Ede 2
- Eindhoven 1
- Eindhoven 2
- Emmeloord 1
- Emmeloord 2
- Enkhuizen - Singing T...
- Enkhuizen 1
- Enkhuizen 2
- Enkhuizen Zuiderhaven...
- Enkhuizen Zuidertoren
- Gorinchem, St.-Jansto...
- Gouda 1
- Gouda 2
- Groningen
- Haarlem 1
- Haarlem 2
- Haarlem 3
- Haarlem 4
- Harderwijk
- Harderwijk - Grote Ke...
- Heerenveen
- Heusden (NL) Stadhuis...
- Hilvarenbeek
- Hilversum
- Hoogeveen
- Hoorn
- http://www.carillon-t...
- http://www.homepages....
- IJsselstein
- Kampen, nieuwe toren ...
- Kampen, nieuwe toren ...
- Laren
- Maastricht - City Hal...
- Maastricht - City Hal...
- Middelstum
- Monnickendam
- Nieuwegein
- Nijkerk
- Noord Brabant
- Oirschot
- Oldenzaal, St.-Pleche...
- Oosterhout
- Oudewater
- Rhenen
- Schiedam
- Schoonhoven
- Tiel
- Utrecht
- Venlo, St.-Martinus T...
- Wageningen
- Weert
- Weesp
- Zeewolde
- Zutphen
- Zwolle 1
- Zwolle 2
- Albany (NY)
- Alfred, NY
- Allendale
- Ames - Iowa State Uni...
- Ann Arbor 1
- Ann Arbor 2
- Ann Arbor 3
- Athens
- Austin
- Berea
- Berkeley
- Bryn Mawr
- Centralia 1
- Centralia 2
- Charleston - The Cita...
- Charlotte
- Chicago
- Culver
- Danbury
- Denver, Colorado
- Durham, Duke Universi...
- East Lansing
- Gainesville (Florida)
- Greenville
- Hartford
- http://www.chalstrom....
- Kennett Square
- Lake Wales - Bok Towe...
- Lawrence - University...
- Lincoln
- Lubbock
- Luray
- Mariemont
- Memphis
- Mercersburg
- Middlebury
- Milwaukee
- Missoula, University ...
- Muncie (Indiana)
- Muncie, Ball State
- Naperville
- New Canaan
- New Haven
- New York City, Rivers...
- Niagara Falls
- Notre Dame University
- Orlando, Disney World
- Panama City - Carillo...
- Princeton
- Riverside
- Rochester
- Sewanee
- Spokane
- Springfield 2
- St. Paul
- Stamford 1
- Stanford 2
- Stanford 3
- Stanford 4
- The Carillons in Nort...
- Valley Forge
- Waco
- Washington, D.C.
- Wellesley
- Whatley Chapel
- Wilmington
- A harangokról
- Acoustical Society of...
- Ancient Chinese Bells
- Arthur Bigelow
- Association St. Pater...
- Barbieux, Jean-Theodo...
- bells in Les Landes
- bells in Spain
- broek-system research
- Carillons and Music
- Die Mörser der S...
- Enkhuizer Klokkengiet...
- Eric Sutter
- Geluidnieuws
- Genealogy of the Cost...
- Gillett & Johnston
- Glocken in Geschichte...
- Gruppo Campanari Padr...
- Hemony
- Hemony bell
- Hemony bell re-discov...
- Historic Tunings
- Huygens-Fokker Founda...
- Klokkengieterij Van B...
- library of bell recor...
- Living Carillon Bells
- Michiels
- Musica Mechanica
- Nederlandse Restaurat...
- New Hemony bell
- Pays de Château...
- practice keyboard ren...
- Prof. Dick van Campen
- Restauratieconvergent
- Rijksdienst voor de M...
- Russian Bells
- series of articles on...
- Swindle
- Swinging bells of Utr...
- the bellplayers
- The Keltek Trust
- Wendell Westcott
- Thomas Dry Howie Mem...
- Altgeld Chime Tower
- Ann and Robert H. Lur...
- Austin, TX
- Belmont University Ca...
- Berkeley, CA
- Burton Memorial Tower
- Carillon bells ring a...
- Cedar Falls, IA
- Centennial Carillon
- Charles Baird Carillo...
- Chicago, IL
- Clemson University
- Concord College, Athe...
- Connecticut Carillons
- Cook Carillon Tower
- Cornell Chimes Home P...
- Davis Memorial Carill...
- Duke University Chape...
- First Plymouth Congre...
- Hartford, CT
- Hopeman Memorial Cari...
- Kent School Peal
- Luray Singing Tower
- Marsh Memorial Carill...
- Memorial Carillon
- Memorial Carillon Tow...
- Middlebury College
- Morgan City
- Ottawa, Ontario
- Princeton, NJ
- Ritchie Center
- Rockefeller Memorial ...
- Stanton Memorial Cari...
- The Allen & Perkins c...
- The Leonidas Polk Car...
- The Plumb Memorial Ca...
- University of Kansas
- University of Notre D...
- Washington Cathedral ...
- Washington Memorial C...
- Williams Carillon
- Yale Memorial Carillo...
- Century Tower Carillo...
- Insitute Alumni Caril...
- The Scottish Rite Cat...
- UC Riverside World Wi...
- UCR Carillon
- University of Wiscons...
- Wake Forest Universit...
- Wellesley College Cam...
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